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About Judge Stenise L. Rolle

The Honorable Stenise L. Rolle was appointed as an Associate Judge of the
Circuit Court for Prince George's County by Governor Larry Hogan on January 6,
2023. She was sworn into office on January 17, 2023.

Judge Rolle is a graduate of Florida A&M University where she received a
Bachelor of Science in Economics and a Master’s of Applied Social Sciences with
a concentration in Public Administration. She received her Juris Doctor from the
University of Miami School of Law.

Judge Rolle's entire life has been clocked with a commitment to public service
and respect for the law. Born and raised in Miami, Florida by a single mother
and a host of extended family members, Judge Rolle is a living testimony of the
old African proverb, "it takes a village to raise a child." Watching her mother,
grandmother, aunts, and mentors give tirelessly to work, family, and their
community, instilled in her a strong work ethic and an appreciation for
public service
. These influences led her to want to be a public servant, an
advocate, and ultimately… an attorney.

Judge Rolle embarked on her legal journey as a single parent of a 6-week-old,
navigating the challenges of parenthood and law school simultaneously. This
experience instilled in her the values of hard work, compassion, and steadfast
moral character. Recognizing that others were looking up to her, whether her
son or her community, she embraced the responsibility to consistently do what
is right. These values guide her daily interactions with individuals in her current
role as an Associate Judge.

After graduating from law school, Judge Rolle has put her law degree to use in a
multitude of ways.  Her legal career began at a small law firm in Tallahassee,
Florida where she litigated complex wrongful death, personal injury, and
premises liability cases. Upon relocating to the DMV, she began the private
practice of law, and served as the Director of Graduate Student Legal Aid, at the
University of Maryland College Park (UMD). At UMD, she used her passion for
helping others to provide stakeholders with the tools and resources they needed
to address their legal concerns. She also planned and taught numerous legal
workshops that provided information and advice to pro se litigants.

Judge Rolle's experience also includes being a judicial educator and
administrator. She worked in Maryland's Administrative Office of the Courts
(AOC), where she was the Manager of Judicial Education. In that capacity, she
was responsible for the planning of judicial education courses and programs for
all judges and magistrates throughout the state. Prior to being appointed to the
Circuit Court for Prince George's County in January 2023, Judge Rolle served as
Prince George's County's, first foreclosure magistrate.

Judge Rolle serves the Maryland Judiciary and the Prince George's County
community, both on and off the bench. She is an active member of the J.
Franklyn Bourne Bar Association, the Prince George’s County Bar Association,
and has worked on several committees and workgroups within the Maryland
Judiciary. She currently serves on the Judicial Conference Planning Committee,
in addition to serving as the judge liaison for the countywide high school mock
trial program; giving her an opportunity to work with some of Prince George's
County's best and brightest students. She has also enjoyed teaching and
coordinating a judicial education course at the Judicial College of Maryland,
working with the Maryland Judiciary's Equal Justice Committee as a member of
the Access and Fairness Subcommittee, and serving on the Workgroup to Study
Mandatory Continuing Education (MCLE) in Maryland.

Judge Rolle is a proud member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, an
organization committed to scholarship, sisterhood, and service.

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